After 541 days without a win on the U.S. Women’s Professional Golf (LPGA) Tour, Hyo Joo Kim is aiming to take home the Bear Trophy .The Bear Trophy is awarded to the player with the best scoring average for the season on the LPGA Tour .While there is some luck involved in the wins and money list, the Bear Trophy signifies a player’s best performance of the season. To be eligible for the LPGA Tour Hall of Fame, a player must have won either the Player of the Year or the Bear Trophy.” My goal this season was to win a championship and have the best scoring average,” said Kim, who won wire-to-wire at the Ascendant LPGA on Sept. 9. “I accomplished that today, so all that’s left is to have the best scoring average.”

“If I accomplish both (goals), I can call it a successful season,” she added. He also expressed his delight at reaching six wins in a row after being caught and not caught since winning the Lotte Championship in April last year. “My performance this year wasn’t bad, but I was disappointed that I didn’t win. I was thinking a lot about how much I wanted to win before the year was over,” Kim confessed, adding, “I’m so happy that I won this time. “Kim Hyo-joo, who has been unable to cross the winning threshold twice this season, including as runner-up, smiled broadly as she said, “My heart has been heavy for a long time,” and added, “A lot of my disappointment has disappeared.”

Although it was her first time to win the wire-to-wire, where she led from the first round to the end, Kim said, “Honestly, 스포츠토토 winning the wire-to-wire is not that important. “It was nice to keep a good score throughout, but it’s really important to finish with a win,” she explained. Despite starting the final round with a five-stroke lead, Kim said she was on her toes until the very end.” Only on the last hole did I realize I was going to win,” she said. “If my shots and putts were really good today, I would have been able to relax a little earlier, but they weren’t. I had to stay focused until the end. I had to stay focused until the end.”

“It’s comforting to have a five-stroke lead, but I did my best to protect it until the end,” she said, emphasizing that it wasn’t an easy match .After the awards ceremony, Kim boarded a plane back to South Korea and said, “It’s even better to go home with the trophy. I really want to see my parents and my dog waiting for me.” Kim will arrive in South Korea on Tuesday to rest and train before competing in the LPGA Tour’s BMW Women’s Championship at Seowon Hills Country Club in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, starting on Sept. 19.

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