Americans and Canadians Lose More Than $117M In Lottery Fraud

Lottery fraud, lottery and prize schemes are one of the most serious scams in North America recently, with $117 million in losses reported in Canada and the United States alone . Researchers warn that this type of fraud mostly targets the elderly through cold calls, direct mail, text messages and even social media.

Over the past three years, about 500,000 people have reported the plan to law enforcement agencies across North America, according to a recent report by Better Business Bureau, a U.S.-based non-profit organization. Experts point out that the actual number of victims of lottery and prize fraud will be much higher, as many people are embarrassed or afraid to report such crimes to the police. According to official data, Americans and Canadians lost more than $117 million in lottery and prize-buying last year. One of the most alarming aspects of these crimes is that the plans use ever-changing methods and often hurt victims financially and emotionally.

According to the Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker tool, 2,820 people in Canada and the United States reported prize money and lottery fraud to non-profit organizations. They lost an average of $500, but the elderly tend to suffer the biggest financial loss, researchers say. Usually, the payment method is wire transfer, and “cold calls” often occur in Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Nigeria. In one of the most common schemes, victims answer the phone and hear that they have won prizes such as money or new phones. Of course, then they are asked to send money to cover the “fee.” 카지노사이트먹튀

The report also explains that criminals sometimes misuse the existing names of companies such as Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes or various financial or lottery institutions. This scam also often involves several steps, which aim to collect victims’ personal information via simple phone calls or emails that do not require money. Once criminals have personal information, they can send a second fraudulent email from a bank or other agency that appears to be a legitimate letter.

Jamaica’s Gang War on Lottery Fraud
Experts say lottery tickets and lottery fraud bring huge amounts of money to Jamaica. This type of fraud is so common and effective in North America that huge cash flows have led to a gang war between rival fraud groups in Jamaica. According to a Better Business Bureau report that uses data from law enforcement agencies in Canada and the United States, these gangs in Jamaica use money to buy guns and drugs. The country has the same population as Chicago, but the number of murders is 650 in Chicago, twice as many as 1,616 in Jamaica alone. To solve these problems, the government declared a state of emergency in many parts of the country.

In Canada and the United States, about a third of the lottery and prize-winning fraud complaints filed at the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center are about fraud on social media. Experts warn that in order to be legal, reliable, and safe, any lottery must be granted and licensed by law. To enter the lottery, you have to buy a ticket, while it is free and you don’t have to buy it. But you shouldn’t ask for money to be transferred to your bank account to enter the lottery. More importantly, experts say that any program that asks you to pay for a prize should be considered a scam.

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