Kim Ha-sung’s initiative led to eight balls to walk on base, and the team stopped winning three consecutive games

In a game against the New York Mets at Citi Field in Queens, New York on the 15th (Korea Standard Time), Kim Ha-sung started as the seventh shortstop and had no hit, one walk and one strikeout in two times at bat. His batting average for this season fell slightly to 220.

Mets starting pitcher Sean Manaea. Kim Ha-sung faced Manaea with two outs and a runner on first base in the second inning, and struck out a foul tip. He showed off his strong pitching and garnered three balls first. However, he allowed two strikes after three balls. Eventually, he had to strike out a 77.3 miles sweeper with the sixth pitch in the full count.
In the fifth inning with no runner on and one out, he preoccupied the ball count in his favor with three balls and one strike. He hit a slider at the center of the 84.6 miles in the fifth pitch, but it was a miss. He retired after hitting a fly ball to right field.

In the top of the seventh inning, Ryu faced off against left-hander Jake Diekman with two outs and a runner on the first base. Ryu was forced to count against Diekman at an unfavorable level with one ball and two strikes. However, he calmly picked out the ball and walked out after the game with eight pitches. He continued the opportunity with two outs and runners on the first and second bases. However, Jackson Merrill’s fly ball to the left field knocked out the opportunity.

The game started about an hour late due to rain. San Diego lost 1-2, stopping its three-game winning streak. 37-36 losses in this season.토토사이트넷

San Diego allowed a first run in the bottom of the third inning. With one out, he allowed a walk to Jeff McNeil and a right-handed hit to Brandon Nimmo, putting him on the verge of being hit with two outs and runners on the first and second bases. And he was dragged out by J.D. Martinez with a two-run double.

However, with two outs and no runners in the top of the fifth inning, he scored one run. Jackson Merrill hit a solo home run over the right-center fence against Manaea, making it 1-2.

However, the lineup failed to counterattack. San Diego Padres starter Matt Waldron pitched 98 pitches, including 42 knuckle balls, 23 sweeper balls, 17 four-seam balls, and 16 sinkers, and pitched well, allowing three hits, two walks, two strikeouts, and two runs in seven innings, but suffered a humiliating defeat.

San Diego had an opportunity after first batter Jurickson Profar hit to the right and stole second base in his last attack in the top of the ninth inning. However, Manny Machado struck out, Donovan Solano hit a grounder to the second base, and Jake Cronenworth struck out. Kim did not get the last chance.

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