Kim Ha-sung (San Diego Padres) led the team to victory with an exquisite bunt hit.

Kim Ha-sung hit the winning shot in the 2024 U.S. Major League Baseball home game at Petco Park in San Diego, California, on the 27th (Korea time).

Kim Ha-sung, who had no hit in the past two games against the Yankees, had a hit in three games, and posted two hits, one walk and one RBI from three times at bat. It is the first time in a week that Kim Ha-sung has had multiple hits since the game against the Atlanta Braves on Tuesday.

Yankees Collapsed after being caught off guard by Kim Ha-sung’s bunt

Kim Ha-sung, who started as the eighth batter’s shortstop, faced Yankees starter Clark Schmidt and retired with a fly ball to right field in his first at-bat in the second inning.

However, Kim Ha-sung, who entered the batter’s box for the second time in the fourth inning, managed to get on base by allowing a walk after tenacious competition to reach the ninth pitch by hitting three foul balls. However, as the follow-up batter did not hit, it did not lead to a score.

Kim Ha-sung’s performance shone the most in the sixth inning. San Diego, which was losing 0-1, had a chance to load the bases with no outs due to opponent’s errors and consecutive walks, and tied the game at 1-1 when Jackson Merrill called the third baseman home with an infield grounder.

Kim Ha-sung, who entered the batter’s box at this time, caught his opponent off guard by buntting Yankees’ changed pitcher Victor González’s 151km/h fastball.토토사이트넷

Yankees first baseman Anthony Rizzo caught the ball, but dropped it while looking at Machado running home. San Diego made a 2-1 turnaround, and Kim Ha-sung’s hit was recorded as a bunt hit, not an opponent’s error.

Three bases on multi hits… but there’s still a long way to go

San Diego, which succeeded in turning the tables with Kim Ha-sung’s hit, ran away 4-1 when Luis Araes and Fernando Tatis Jr. hit a timely hit. Kim Ha-sung scored when Tatis Jr. hit a timely hit.

Kim Ha-sung, who entered the batter’s box again in the seventh inning, hit Michael Tonkin’s slider to hit a single to the right, achieving multiple hits.

San Diego beat the Yankees to a 5-2 victory. Starting pitcher Joe Musgrove pitched hard with six hits and one run in 5.1 innings, and Jeremiah Estrada became the winning pitcher after striking out five in 1.2 innings.

Kim Ha-sung, who succeeded in multi-hits and walking to third base, raised his batting average for the season from 0.209 to 0.216 (40 hits in 185 times at bat).

However, Kim still has a long way to go. He had a career-high batting average of 0.260 (140 hits in 538 times at bat) with 17 homers and 60 RBIs in 152 games last season, but his batting order declined to eight to nine this season as he suffered a slump in batting performance.

Kim Ha-sung, who is about to become a free agent after his four-year contract with San Diego ends, needs a bigger performance. Attention is focusing on whether Kim Ha-sung, who hit the final hit with such a desperate bunt hit, will succeed in a definite rebound.

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