British Columbia Lottery Company (BCLC) has claimed that Chausen First Nation has another potential for Delta Gateway’s full-scale casino closure project.

The company, which proposed a new casino and entertainment center for Delta, held two public consultations this Monday. Councillors were given the opportunity to submit questions and express their concerns about Gateway’s casino project. First of all, city officials explained that while locals agreed to a slot-only gambling house, Gateway’s proposed casino project is much larger and people have the right to express their personal positions on the issue.

According to Delta Optimist, a local news outlet, Gateway’s proposal is to make a big difference in the city, so it should go to a referendum. Delta Optimist’s John Hutton explained that communities should have the right to consider carefully to determine whether the benefits of hosting casinos outweigh the risk of corruption.

Tsawwasen First Nation – second preferred casino site after Delta
Representatives from the BCLC also attended Monday’s meeting. Chris Fairclaw, BCLC’s stakeholder engagement manager, told reporters at Delta Optimist that if Delta rejects Gateway’s casino project, the lottery company is looking at other opportunities for casino expansion. Mr Fairclough added that the BCLC would closely examine the gateway’s applications in the event of a railway crash.파워볼사이트

Surrey, Chawasen First Nation (TFN) and Delta, as mentioned earlier, have dropped their casino proposal and selected Delta as a casino expansion priority, emphasizing that if the government rejects Gateway’s casino business, the casino operator will probably try to win the hearts of city officials once more.

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